Thursday, October 9, 2008

The View From The Crosswalk

This has been kicking around with me for a while. One of the best things about living in Philadelphia is that it's pretty darn pedestrian friendly. Or at least the layout is. The Philadelphia drivers, as always, are another story (click here). I know it's difficult to pilot tons of speeding deathmetal safely, but some people don't even seem to be trying.

Yes, there are bad pedestrians. But just trying to safely navigate the sidewalks and crosswalks of Philadelphia is getting tougher. And, even if the film Repo Man is right and the more you drive the less intelligent you get, sometimes you've got to repeat the basics. Sarcastically, if need be.

A driver told me on my bike the other night that bicycles belonged on the sidewalks, which we all know is illegal. That exchange didn't go well, but that's a story for another time....

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